Sunday, February 18, 2024
Public Education is simply falling short, but full-time homeschooling isn't a fit for every family for a wide range of reasons. Micro-schools, hybrid schools, and learning pods are growing in popularity - because parents are searching for other options. In response to this growing demand, we're facilitating a small-group, in-person learning community for ages 13-15 in Knoxville, TN. Students will meet as a group 3-4 days per week. Our private tutor / mentor will guide them in lessons that support both student interests and needs.
Students will meet as a group 3-4 days per week. Our private tutor / mentor will guide them in lessons that support both student interests and needs. Facilitators are trained educators and fully background checked. They'll cover subjects such as math, language, literature, science, and history, but also practical skills, and critical thinking. You'll receive detailed information about what's covered and what's not so you can fill in any gaps with additional private tutoring, online courses, or homeschooling.
Our "Guides" are trained educators. Because the learning community is small, between 3-9 kids, the Guide is able to meet them where they are at and personalize the learning experience for each kid, similar to a private tutor. Because there is no need to "teach to a test" we'll focus on critical thinking and skills that are important for future success instead of busy work. We believe in respecting children, fostering a natural love for learning, and engaging their natural interests. You'll receive detailed information about the work done within the community, so you'll know what to cover at home or through other educational resources.
If you are an educator and interested in providing your services as a guide, please contact us a
We partner with a Category IV Private School providing a satellite program that operates under what is commonly referred to as the Jeter Memo. This means that your student will technically be enrolled as a student of a private school that meets the compulsory attendance laws for the state of Tennessee. Joining our in-person small group is just like hiring a private tutor or joining a co-op. This is a way of getting the social and educational support you need to feel empowered taking charge of your child's education. If you prefer to enroll in a different umbrella school or register as a homeschooler, that's okay too.
Requirements for students in the State of Tennessee:
Don't be overwhelmed by this! We will help you with registration, reporting attendance, and ensuring you are in total compliance every step of the way. "Umbrella Schools" are very common and provide the an alternative for families that, for whatever reason, are not comfortable with registering with their Local Education Agency (LEA) or with a denominational Church Related School (CRS).
When you register with a private umbrella school, the program includes:
One of the benefits of this style of education is the flexiblity. We have from July 1st to June 30th to reach 180 days of instruction. That means you can take breaks when it's right for YOUR FAMILY and not be bound to a school calendar. Travel can enrich the lives of students and is often more cost-effective when public schools are in session. With that in mind, our community will begin meeting in July and continue meeting through June for each school year. We will take breaks throughout the year for holidays, etc. You can also choose to take days or weeks for independent study. You'll simply report your student's attendance to the private umbrella school twice a year to ensure your student reaches 180 days.
The 2023-2024 year location has yet to be determined and will be based on the size of the community. We have found some available spaces that are likely possibilities in various sizes and will choose somewhere centrally located in the city of Knoxville. If you have a suggestion for a space, please let us know:
This community is not designed to make money or generate profit. However, it's important to have a nice enviorment for learning, pay guides well, and have supplies available for curriculum, projects, science experiments, etc. In short, educational experiences aren't cheap. Initial fees for enrolling in the umbrella school run between $100-$200. We're also requiring $500 toward community supplies. Monthly fees will go directly to paying the Guide and facility. The exact amount will be determined by May 2024 and will range between $500-$800 per month per student.
We're redefining education for the modern world. Our approach is rooted in the belief that learning should be dynamic and deeply engaging. We prioritize real-world skills, critical thinking, and personal growth over traditional memorization and standardized tests.
Here's what sets us apart:
Personalized Learning Paths: Every student's journey is unique. We believe education should fit individual interests and learning styles, ensuring each learner finds their own version of success.
Practical and Business Education: Beyond academics, we prioritize practical life skills and an entrepreneurial mindset, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
Flexible Learning Environment: Our co-op mentoring community meets several days a week, blending the best of homeschooling with the support of private mentorship—offering flexibility without compromising on quality. And if you're not in the Knoxville area, we offer online tutoring.
Community and Support: At the heart of Atlas Learning is our vibrant community of learners, educators, and families. Together, we create a supportive environment that encourages exploration, discovery, and personal achievement.
Join us on this journey at Atlas Learning, where we're not just preparing students for tests—we're preparing them for life.